Everything Joe shared is true, so why is it so draining to hear? The problem is his focus.
Monday Morning Take Two -
"Good morning, Joe. How was your weekend?" Joe replies, "It went by fast because I worked in the yard all weekend. I accomplished so much, though. It really looks great! I feel so lucky to have a nice home and yard - even luckier to have a job. Looks like I'll be pretty busy this week. I could use some help if you've got time to spare."
The situation didn't change, however, the conversation is upbeat and I'm not drained. I walk away feeling good even though this time I've been asked to provide some assistance.
So what really robs us of joy; the work before us or the focus and attitude we have toward it?
We should think of our attitude in the same terms as our physical health. We hesitate to come to work with a cold or the flu but think nothing of bringing in the deadly virus of a negative attitude. It is more contagious than any infection we will ever encounter because we really don't have to get that close to catch it or spread it. The good news is, a positive attitude is just as contagious and all it takes is a change of focus.
If you focus on what is going well in your life, work, relationships - you fill your mind with the positive and it drives your outlook. If you compliment the positive attitude of a coworker (spouse, family member), you encourage more of that same attitude in them.
Attitude without action loses its power. I often say, "Catch someone (and yourself) doing something right." Be quick and public with praise and slow and private with criticism. This action will create a petri dish that breeds germs of positive attitude that will spread like swine flu in the media.
Proverbs 18:21 says, "The tongue has the power of life and death." Speak words that give life and watch it change your world!
Have I told you how much I appreciate you? I do!