Every morning I walk straight to the coffeepot and push the ON button. I'm a total coffee girl. I like it piping hot, extra dark roast with half and half, and I struggle to function without my first cup of coffee. I crave the first sip and relish the warmth of the mug in my hand. I jokingly call it "my warm, happy friend." My mornings just wouldn't be the same without coffee.
We should have the same attitude about our faith and our jobs. We should wake up each morning bursting at the seams to be with God. To be in His presence. To listen for His still small voice. To savor Him. To ask for His guidance during our work day. A faith that is brewed fresh daily, strengthens us, renews us and enables us to mount up with wings like eagles. To experience the power of God in our work lives. To run and not grow weary. To walk and not faint.
Like a morning with no coffee, there are times when we are sluggish in our faith and our attitude toward our jobs. There are times when we need a shot of God-caffeine in our day. A spiritual espresso. What can we do at these times?
One practical way to build your faith is by remembrance. When David was just a shepherd boy, he had courage to face a giant partly because he remembered the previous victories the Lord allowed him to experience. His past victories fueled his faith. Ours do the same. We can face our giants (heavy work loads, busy calendars, grumpy co-workers, declining profits, difficult clients) with equal confidence when we pause to remember how God has worked in our past.
What has God brought you through in the past? Think on these things and choose to trust him to bring you though all you will face today and tomorrow. God has equipped you with your talents and has placed you where you are for a purpose. When you trust God with a fresh brewed faith He will be your Strength and Sustainer. Fill up your faith cup every morning by getting alone with God. This energizing, percolated faith is available to all who ask, seek and knock (Matthew 7:7-8)
Have I told you I appreciate you? I do!
Wow. I really needed this today. Thank you!